2016 Holiday Schedule Changes

Mobile Health Schedule for the Holidays

They are excellent at moving procedures along and really push their labs and external services to expedite samples or specimens in order to provide the quickest possible result.
—Mobile Health Client
Patient appointment Reminder

Due to the upcoming Holidays, please note the following schedule changes:

Friday (12/16):

  • Staten Island last appointment: 10:30am
  • Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens last appointment: 11:00am

Wednesday (12/21):

  • PPD’s will not be implanted in Hempstead and Staten Island

Thursday (12/22):

  • PPD’s will not be implanted in Hempstead

Friday (12/23):

  • All locations and corporate offices will be closed

Saturday (12/24):

  • Hempstead will be closed
  • Normal PPD reading hours in Manhattan and Bronx

Monday (12/26) (celebrating Christmas Day):

  • All locations and corporate offices will be closed

Friday (12/30):

  • Corporate Offices & Support closing at 3:00pm
  • PPD’s will not be implanted

Saturday (12/31):

  • All locations will have a normal Saturday schedule

Monday (1/2) (celebrating New Year’s Day):

  • All locations and corporate offices will be closed

See Regular Schedule