Health Alert: 2016-2017 Flu Season Is Here

NY Health Authorities Announce the Arrival of the 2016 Flu Season

Their organization and employees, both working in the clinics and in the administrative offices, have shown overwhelming knowledge and passion for providing the very best care.
—Mobile Health Client
Flu Season is Officially Here

Effective December 28th, New York Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker “declares influenza to be prevalent in New York State for the 2016-17 influenza season”.

This designation triggers the ‘Flu Mask Reg’ which requires “all personnel… not vaccinated against influenza for the current influenza season wear a surgical or procedure mask while in areas where patients or residents are typically present.”

In the previous flu season of 2015-16, influenza’s prevalent status was declared in February 2016 and lasted only until May 2016.

The ‘Flu Mask Reg’ is a New York State regulation that requires most unvaccinated healthcare personnel to wear a facemask while taking care of patients. Home care agencies are most impacted by this regulation sue to their large workforce of home care workers, and their remote work environment in their client’s home.

Mobile Health partners with home care agencies in New York to offer on-site flu vaccinations, or vaccinations at our medical offices. Vaccinations may be offered through:

  • Employee sponsorships (employer paid)
  • Payable by the employee’s health insurance
  • As part of a Wage Parity benefit program

For more information, contact us or read more about our flu vaccination programs.