Northeast Still Under Widespread Flu Activity

Springtime flu impacting New York

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—Mobile Health Client
Flu Epidemic Map

The latest CDC map of national flu activity shows only Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York as states with ‘widespread flu activity’. Most of the other 46 states show local or sporadic activity. New York State specifically reported influenza activity in 46 counties and all five boroughs of New York City. The cause for this springtime flu epidemic can be attributed to the prolonged northeast winter where people stayed indoors more.

Another note of caution is that the B strain is leading this epidemic. The A strain, which is more common, peaked in activity between December and March. The B strain started being reported in February and increased in activity since. The B strain is more likely to cause higher fevers, more chills, more back pain, and more muscle aches than the A strain. This season’s flu vaccine covers both the A and B strains so those vaccinated are at a much lower likelihood of catching the widespread B strain.

The CDC analysis also matches the New York Department of Health’s own declaration of the flu being widespread since December.

In the workplace, the flu can be a dangerous hazard to employee health and company productivity. Increased flu activity is closely followed by increased sick days by sick employees. This loss of productivity is a factor in the $10billion annual business loss in the US due to the seasonal flu. The other factors in this multibillion dollar loss include direct medical costs.

As a preventive measure, the New York Department of Health ordered all health care professionals who did not get a flu shot, to wear a facemask while working. The facemask helps prevent the spread of influenza among employees and protects the vulnerable population that many of them work with. Since the facemask is only required during widespread flu activity, the facemask order has been in place since December 2013.

Mobile Health recommends that all individuals get vaccinated against the influenza virus every year. Starting in late August, Mobile Health offers extended hours for express flu shot appointments and onsite vaccination clinics for employers.