The NY DOH Reminds Homecare Agencies of Employee Health Screening Requirements

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—Mobile Health Client
on-site vaccination services

On March 1st, the New York State Department of Health sent out a DAL (Dear Administrator Letter) to Home Care Agencies regarding compliance with state requirements for health assessments and training for all personnel.

This timely reminder was sent to LHCSA’s, NYCRR’s, CHHA’s & LTHCCP’s, & Hospices, and the full letter can be downloaded here.

The DAL reminded Home Care Agencies that all employees who provide care for patients are required to have appropriate training and have appropriate documented pre-employment and annual health screenings. The relevant health screenings discussed in the DAL were documentation of immunization for rubella & measles, pre-employment and annual tb screenings, and yearly flu shots. The DAL focuses on agencies being in compliance with Section 766.11, Section 763.13, and Section 793.5 of the New York State Department of Health Public Health Law.

This letter emphasizes the importance of Home Care Agencies being compliant with state regulations. One can assume from this letter that the state is closely monitoring relevant Home Health Agencies to make sure home health employees are not endangering the health of those they care for.

Clearly, if an agency is not in compliance, they run the risk of having their license suspended or their company forced out of business. With that in mind, have you, as a Home Health Agency administrator checked on the status of your employees lately? Are your employees in compliance?

Mobile Health is a leading New York City occupational health screening provider for Home Care employees. We provide health screening that will allow your employees to remain in compliance with DOH regulations, including:

  • necessary immunizations against rubella & measles
  • pre-employment and annual tb screening
  • flu shots
  • drug testing

Mobile Health allows clients to schedule and manage all of your employees tests and results through our client portal. Please contact us with any questions regarding getting an account for your Home Care agency with Mobile Health.