Can Occupational Health Save the Workplace?

Continue the excellent work you are doing, and continue the kind treatment you give to patients like how I observed today.
—Mobile Health Patient

COVID-19 has transformed workplace health and safety, making occupational health not just a regulatory obligation but a survival strategy. In highly regulated industries like healthcare and construction, employers are used to collaborating with an occupational health provider like Mobile Health.

But now, the pandemic has made every workplace at risk for COVID-19 a candidate for occupational health services. Corporations need an occupational health plan for their office staff as much as a hospital does for its medical team. Or a manufacturer to safeguard its plant workers.

If you haven’t considered the role of occupational health before, now is the time to do so. Proactive planning will help all companies keep their businesses productive and their employees safe—even as we try to envision our “return to normal.”

Now and in a post-pandemic world, our occupational health services for employers are key to a vital, profitable, and productive business.


Disease Screening and Prevention Is Our Business

Since opening our doors in 1984, we have committed to providing employers with a healthier, safer, and more productive workforce. Disease testing, screening and prevention are in our DNA. Our employment physicals, drug screens, antibody testing, respirator fit testing and more ensure employees are healthy and able to work. The pandemic intensified our commitment, inspiring us not only to offer COVID-19 Services but also to devise innovative delivery strategies to reduce workplace risk.

Here are a few examples of how we protect workers and save employers from the devastating financial consequences of virus transmission and any communicable disease:

The pandemic has transformed the workplace. We continue to adapt our occupational health services to changing business needs, meeting employers where they are – literally. Whether that’s in a college gymnasium, a city park, at Grand Central Station or on a Hollywood film set, keeping employees safe and healthy is all in a day’s work for us.

Focusing on these solutions will help us to adapt to our new normal, return to work and begin imagining the future as we know it—together.

Mobile Health Occupational Health Services

Thanks to occupational health, many workplaces thrive today because employees are healthy and feel safe and protected. Mobile Health occupational health services can help you protect employees from potential risks and hazards in your workplace. Contact us today and request a free occupational health consultation. Our experts will devise a solution to save your business from the worries of disease transmission AND ensure a safe and healthy workforce – when you return to work and beyond.

Remember: A healthy workplace is a productive workplace.™