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My visit was fast and orderly. The staff was friendly and professional.
—Mobile Health Patient

OSHA Warns Nursing Care Facilities to Watch Their Steps – Mobile Health

Posted September 10, 2012

Working in a nursing home or residential care facility can be hazardous, according to OSHA, which estimates that nursing home employees miss work at a rate that is 2.3 times higher than all other private industry businesses combined. These lost-time days largely are related to accidental slips, trips and falls. OSHA has made these facilities[Read the Rest]

Should You Be Screened for Hepatitis C?

Posted August 6, 2012

Better To Know C A major health issue facing our country today is a silent and deadly liver disease called hepatitis C. Over 5 million Americans have hepatitis C – approximately four times the amount of people with HIV. It is the leading cause of liver cancer and the most common reason for liver transplantation[Read the Rest]

Computer Eye Strain

Posted August 6, 2012

Lighthouse International Regardless of age, there are very few individuals who don’t spend a couple of hours a day on the computer. Intense computer viewing may result in computer vision syndrome (CVS). While CVS does not result in permanent eye damage, it can cause the following symptoms: Eye fatigue Squinting Headaches Dry, itchy, watery,[Read the Rest]

Bringing Public Health Home

Posted August 3, 2012

By Mary Ann Christopher at the America’s public discourse today often centers on how to best provide sustainable, cost-effective health care for all. Our fragmented health care system costs us dearly, both in dollars spent and in lives unfulfilled. As the president and CEO of the country’s largest not-for-profit home health care organization,[Read the Rest]

Protect Workers from Mercury in Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Posted August 2, 2012

Laura Walter at Chances are, you have them in your home or workplace: compact fluorescent light bulbs, which environmental advocates praise for their energy conservation and long operating lives. But a hidden hazard – mercury – lurks in these bulbs, and employers must ensure workers are protected. If fluorescent light bulbs are crushed[Read the Rest]

CDC: 2011 was worst Measles year in U.S. in past 15 years

Posted April 22, 2012

ATLANTA – Last year was the worst year for measles in the U.S. in 15 years, health officials said Thursday. There were 222 cases of measles, a large jump from the 60 or so seen in a typical year. Most of the cases last year were imported — either by foreign visitors or by U.S.[Read the Rest]
