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Their administrative services go above and beyond and are always quick to respond to any request or issue that may arise.
—Mobile Health Client

Hands-Only CPR Saves More Lives

Posted December 13, 2012

The chances of surviving cardiac arrest with good brain function are better when bystanders focus CPR efforts on chest compression without mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing, a nationwide Japanese study affirmed. When bystanders performed chest compression-only CPR and used a public-access defibrillator, 40.7% of out-of-hospital cases survived at least a month without needing assistance in daily living,[Read the Rest]

Targeting kids’ salt intake may curb childhood obesity rates, study says

Posted December 12, 2012

When it comes to childhood obesity, experts are not shy about suggesting a link between consumption of calorie-filled sugary drinks and ballooning obesity rates in the United States. However, a new study finds a target that its researchers say may be a better way to head off the obesity epidemic in kids and prevent them[Read the Rest]

A Vegan Diet (Hugely) Helpful Against Cancer

Posted December 11, 2012

If you’re anything like me, the “C” word leaves you trembling. But today there is very good news to report: Research suggests you can improve your odds of never getting cancer and/or improve your chances of recovering from it. Not with a drug or surgery, although those methods might be quite effective. This is all[Read the Rest]

Even Women Who Exercise Sit Too Much

Posted December 10, 2012

THURSDAY, Nov. 29 (HealthDay News) — For women who love that great, self-satisfied feeling after a workout, a new study could be a disappointing surprise. Regular exercise, the study found, does not reduce the risk of an otherwise sedentary lifestyle. Women who exercise regularly actually spend as much time sitting down as those who don’t[Read the Rest]

Text Messages Help Smokers Kick The Habit

Posted December 9, 2012

Some good news about texting: A review of studies published by the Cochrane Collaboration finds that smokers trying to quit the habit are helped in a big way by supportive messages sent via text. We all know it’s really hard to quit smoking. Dr. Pamela Brar, an internist in private practice in La Jolla, Calif., says only 5[Read the Rest]

To help stop the flu, don’t touch your face

Posted December 8, 2012

“Want to avoid flu? Stop touching your face!”, reports the Daily Mail. The paper says that researchers have “found that we ‘inoculate’ ourselves with bacteria and viruses by touching our mouths and noses with our hands after brushing contaminated surfaces”. (The paper is using ‘inoculate’ to refer to catching, or becoming infected by, a bacteria[Read the Rest]

Cholesterol Myths that May Surprise You

Posted December 5, 2012

Life insurance companies know a surprising secret about cholesterol that most doctors never tell patients: When it comes to rating your risk for a fatal heart attack, the least important cholesterol number is your level of LDL (bad) cholesterol. In fact, life insurance actuaries don’t even look at LDL levels, because large studies show it’s the worst predictor of[Read the Rest]

Cartilage made easy with novel hybrid printer

Posted December 4, 2012

The printing of three-dimensional tissue has taken a major step forward with the creation of a novel hybrid printer that simplifies the process of creating implantable cartilage. The printer has been presented today, 22 November, in IOP Publishing’s journal Biofabrication, and was used to create cartilage constructs that could eventually be implanted into injured patients to[Read the Rest]

This is your brain on exercise

Posted December 3, 2012

Seniors who fit in the most daily physical activity – from raking leaves to dancing – can have more gray matter in important brain regions, researchers reported on Monday. The scientists have images that show people who were the most active had 5 percent more gray matter than people who were the least active. Having more[Read the Rest]

Stressing out really does make it worse

Posted December 2, 2012

Animals don’t handle stress well. I’m not talking about acute stressors, the predator charging at you through the brush, you run away and it’s over. We handle that stress very well indeed. But severe stress, losing a job, a divorce, a death in the family, these can really wear us down. Severe life stressors can[Read the Rest]