Flu Shot Survey Results

How New York healthcare providers plan to comply with new regulations

From my physical, to the drawing of my blood, the staff was very professional and I was pleased.
—Mobile Health Patient

On July 25, Mobile Health surveyed several New York State healthcare providers to learn individual approaches to the new flu shot requirement. This survey is a snapshot of New York City area agencies and organizations who are directly affected by this new regulation.

Below are the selected aggregated responses:
(Note: Some questions allowed for multiple answers)

Was your organization aware of this requirement before this email?
Yes: 76.56%
No: 23.44%

Does your organization have a system in place to track the number and percentage of vaccinated personnel?
Yes, we have an in-house plan: 48.39%
Yes, we have an out-sourced plan: 3.23%
We are still developing a plan: 22.58%
No, we do not have a plan yet: 24.19%
No, and we will not be implementing a plan: 1%

Will your organization be providing masks to employees who do not get a flu shot?
Yes, they will be available for free: 76.0%
Yes, they will be available to buy: 0%
No, the employee will be responsible for getting their own mask: 24%

How does your organization plan on communicating this requirement to your employees?
In-person meetings: 70.5%
Phone calls: 44.3%
Letters: 68.9%
Email: 31.1%
We will not communicate this requirement with our employees: 0%

Who will be responsible for paying for your employees’ flu shot?
Our employees’ health insurance will pay for their flu shot: 29.4%
My organization will pay the cost of the flu shot: 43.1%
My organization will split the cost of the flu shot with the employee: 5.9%
My employee will be responsible for paying the cost of their flu shot: 43.1%