Auto Scheduling Maximizes Your Home Care Agency’s Time

Schedule your staff's compliance exams hassle-free with Auto Annual Scheduling.

They have provided outstanding care to our candidates needing medical clearance to work on assignments for hundreds of our clients.
—Mobile Health Client
patient exam dashboard

Home Care helps thousands of people stay healthy. Thousands more depend on LHCSA’s and CHA’s to help care for their loved ones. People appreciate the work you do for them, but few understand the time it takes to manage hundreds of health aides. Automatic annual scheduling can help change that dynamic.

Whether making sure your health aides are at the right location, or coordinating schedules, you work hard to ensure your business runs smoothly. So when it comes to making sure your aides are compliant, you appreciate a tool that simplifies compliance. That’s where auto annual scheduling comes in.

It provides a way of scheduling your aides’ annual exams that’s easy and automatic, freeing you for more important tasks.

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What is automatic annual scheduling?

Automatic Annual Scheduling is the hassle-free, time-saving way of scheduling your aides’ annual compliance exams. Your familiar compliance software (ex: Sandata, HHA eXchange, PeopleSoft) integrates smoothly with our systems, giving us a list of your aides and the dates of their last exam. Then, we schedule any workers due to have their annual compliance exams for an appointment with us before they go out of compliance.

When your aides get to one of our conveniently located clinics, they’re given all the services they need. Afterward, their results are delivered directly to your Client Portal website hosted by Mobile Health. Results and medical records are available as soon as the exams are completed, most within 2 business days.

Should your aides miss the appointment, you’ll get a notification and we reschedul the aide automatically. If this continues, you’ll get a delinquency report alerting you to your aide’s lack of an annual exam 2 weeks prior to when the aide is no longer compliant.  This gives you enough time to ensure the proper actions are taken.

Through this program, you can actually schedule your entire workforce instantly, and only worry about monitoring results and delinquency reports. Home care agencies who use this program save an incredible amount of time. This savings allows them to focus their efforts in other areas to grow their business.

Sounds good, but what else can I expect?
Beyond the time you save, you can also expect these great benefits from Automatic Annual Scheduling:

Decreased Compliance Delinquency

When managing a busy agency with hundreds of workers, it becomes easy to lose track of annual compliance dates. Unfortunately, this leads to non-compliant workers. For these agencies, the best they can do is scramble to get their aides up to date with their medicals. And cross their fingers the mishap isn’t caught during a DOH audit.

With Auto-Annual scheduling, you get a system that constantly monitors your employee database to find workers due for an annual exam. It then automatically schedules those workers for an appointment, notifying them with a postcard in the mail. By automating your compliance requirements, you significantly reduce the risk of non-compliant workers.

Reduced Administrative Burden

Automatic Annual Scheduling gives you an extra partner at your disposal with over 30 years of experience in the home care industry– at a fraction of the cost.

With auto-annual scheduling, your employees can focus on more pressing issues. Need more people working on CPT codes? Now you have them. Need more people to manage patient matters? They’re free to do that now.

When you have automatic annual scheduling, your people focus on projects that matter. Your business can finally move from reactive to proactive.

Home Care Technology that Works

When you partner with Mobile Health, you get technology benefits that actually work.

The Online Client Portal presents you with all of the information you need right where you need it, when you need it.

Even better, you won’t need a degree in computer science to understand your people’s results. Every piece of information you could need is presented to you in an easy to read, user friendly interface that takes the guesswork out of understanding results. You’ll know at first glance who’s good to go and who isn’t.

You also get the benefit of fast, standardized, and consistent medical records that are easy to access. Retrieve your workers’ test results as soon as the exam is completed– as fast as 48 hours in some cases. And because they’re available online, all of your results are archived and organized for you; you no longer having to worry about a million slips of paper coming from your health aides. You have everything centralized, easy to read, and ready to go. We work with you to make your compliance needs as stress free as possible.

As the old saying goes, “time is the one thing you can’t make back,” and if you’re a Licensed Home Care Service Agency, you know this better than anyone. You’ve got a million things to do, and the most important one is focusing on your patients, so why not let us help you provide the best care you can?


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