It’s Just That Simple: 5 Ways To Boost Your Immune System

Boost your health into the new year

Their administration’s technical competency is very thorough, and their understanding of their system is outstanding.
—Mobile Health Client

There is no need to make things more complicated than they are, especially when it comes to your health.  Boosting your immune system doesn’t require fad diets, miracle vitamins, or costly personal trainers; it is all about making small & smart choices throughout your day.  Following these few basic recommendations can help you see that you have the power to make yourself healthy & happy without a huge overhaul to your current lifestyle.

Limited Tobacco & Alcohol Consumption
No one is saying you have to cut unhealthy pleasures out of your life completely; everything in moderation is a good rule to live by with anything in life.  Drinking & smoking is no exception.  Putting a cap on the amount you smoke can help cut down on tobacco related health issues such as lung cancer & respiratory illness.  This in turn will make your immune system stronger.  Concurrently, chronic alcohol consumption can lead to not only immunodeficiency but to other health related concerns such as tuberculosis.  While it has been argued that moderate wine & beer consumption is actually beneficial to the body, it is excessive binge drinking that brings about the harsher effects to your immune system.

Regular Exercise
It is very common for people to feel they need a rigorous exercise regimen in order to be healthy.  People also assume that less body fat and more muscle equates to good health.  However, not exercising enough and exercising too much can both lead to immune system issues.  Consistent heavy training combined with little rest to let your body recover can lead to respiratory infections.  Lack of exercise can lead to obesity which can slow down your body’s ability to fight the effects of disease and common germs.  A combination of balanced aerobic & anaerobic exercise that doesn’t overstrain your body is suggested for optimum results on your overall health & immune system.

Proper Diet
Many of us really know what a proper diet consists of but we tend to ignore what we know in favor of a fad diet that feels more indulgent, more lenient, and/or “easier”.  Truth be told, there is no easy way out; no loophole to good nutrition.  This is not to say you can’t indulge in your favorite unhealthy dishes; just moderate your intake and keep your portions smaller.  Try to keep your sugar, salt, & fat intake low while avoiding fried foods.  Your primary diet should include a mixture of fruits & vegetables, whole grains, nuts, eggs, & chicken. Garlic may have some infection-fighting capability.  Green vegetables in particular, like broccoli and spinach, stop the spread of cancer cells while improving your immune systems disease-fighting components.                  

Sleep & Relaxation
Stress, hectic schedules, and lack of rest can debilitate your immune system.  In addition, making up for your lack of sleep by taking anti-sleeping pills or drinking caffeinated beverages only weakens your ability to combat cancer, obesity, & heart disease.  It is suggested to leave some room in your schedule to do activities you enjoy as well as activities you may not have done before such as mediation & yoga.  Getting a good night’s rest varies from person to person but the average adult requires around 7-8 hours of sleep a night.  This can help re-energize your immune system while stimulating your mind to be able to handle your day-to-day schedule more effectively & efficiently.

Wellness Fairs
While this recommendation is not part of your daily routine, a wellness fair is special in that attending one once a year does not take up too much of your time.  As health & nutrition information changes and becomes more easily accessible, it is important to keep up with the newest information on keeping your body healthy.  If your company decides to have a wellness fair, you can attend it without taking time off work.  While an on-site wellness fair can include speakers on health related topics, they can also include medical professionals that conduct medical procedures such as flu shots, physicals, vaccinations, & drug screening.  All of these procedures can help make sure your immune system is functioning properly while letting you know if you are having complications you were not aware of.