Now Offering: Prescription Discount Cards

They are excellent at moving procedures along and really push their labs and external services to expedite samples or specimens in order to provide the quickest possible result.
—Mobile Health Client

Mobile Health understands that a healthy lifestyle is a better lifestyle, but sometimes high medical costs can get in the way. This is why we partnered with WellCard Rx to provide prescription discount cards to all our patients. The cards are available in every location, and online through our website. To make things even easier, the cards are pre activated, and able to be used immediately.

The WellCard Rx program has a network of all major pharmacies in the New York City area and a few local shops as well. This card is not an insurance plan and is not designed to replace an insurance plan. It offers the user a discount from the retail price of the medication, up to 50% off. The discount rate will depend on the medication and pharmacy.

To get your card, visit one of Mobile Health’s location, or download it right on our website.