NYC Clinics Add COVID-19 PCR Swab Tests

They are professional and organized. They are always helpful.
—Mobile Health Patient
PCR nasal swab test

As some states exhibit troubling spikes of Coronavirus cases and hospitalizations, Mobile Health now offers COVID-19 PCR swab tests at its New York clinics.

Meanwhile, New York and New Jersey further relaxed opening restrictions for some industries in response to positive testing and hospitalization trends.

PCR Swab Tests

All NYC Mobile Health clinics now offer COVID-19 PCR nasal swab tests. This viral test checks samples from the respiratory system (such as the inside of the nose) to determine infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

During PCR swab testing, Mobile Health clinicians use a four-inch swab to collect samples from the back of the nose or throat. Test results are available in a few days, expediting the return of asymptomatic, healthy workers to the workplace.

Clients can easily schedule appointments via the Client Portal.

Trusted Provider of Infectious Disease Testing

Unlike other testing agencies that materialized in the pandemic’s wake, Mobile Health has a 35-year history of screening for infectious diseases.  Besides PCR Nasal Swab testing, Mobile Health offers these COVID-19 screening and testing services:

COVID-19 antibody (IgG) tests at all NYC clinics and 3,300+partner-providers nationwide.  Antibody blood tests determine exposure to the virus and the presence of antibodies. Read Antibody Testing FAQs.
• Onsite turnkey COVID-19 screening and testing program.  This customizable program may include online health questionnaires, temperature screenings and COVID-19 testing. This collaboration with staffing agencies and employment specialists addresses key employer concerns regarding Return-to-Work.

Additionally, Mobile Health offers its full spectrum of occupational health and pre-employment screenings.

Wherever Mobile Health provides screening services, employers and screening candidates can trust the occupational health provider to full safety precautions to ensure as healthy an environment as possible.


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