Pre-employment Physical Done Easier!

Save Time with one Occ. Health Provider

Everyone was very respectful and spoke with a smile on their face.
—Mobile Health Patient
medical staffing

More often than not, “professional pre-employment physical hunter” is not the career path that we’ve envisioned for ourselves.

It’s also doubtful that your employees are being used to their fullest extent when they’re flitting through mounds of candidate paperwork and agonizing over sloppy handwriting all day.

But if you’re a staffing company with multiple occupational healthcare providers, you’re being forced to waste your employees’ talent on making sure that everything runs smoothly.

Below You’ll find a brief overview of the problems that many medical staffing companies face when they try dealing with multiple healthcare providers, but if you want a more in depth view of this issue along with other common problems/fixes that can affect your medical staffing business, click below for a free download of our book, written specifically for medical staffing companies.

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Pre-employment Physical Problems

Simply put, your organization isn’t making as much money as it can if it has to pay an individual to sit and wrestle with your candidates’ paperwork.

Think of it this way– you’re paying an employee (or several employees) a full-time salary to make sure that pre-employment physical paperwork is being filled out correctly. Not only that, but when your candidate’s paperwork is filled out incorrectly, that same employee isn’t getting to go through as many candidates as they could otherwise.

There’s a hold-up as your employee has to get in contact with two or three people to get the answers they need, thereby slowing the process and limiting your placement potential and costing you money two ways.

Take a moment to ask yourself if that seems like a good use of your company’s resources.

The last thing you want to do is juggle occupational health providers. It’s already a speed bump in the placement process. What you need to do is find a way to do what you have to do more quickly.

The Fix

The solution to this problem is simple, even if it isn’t easy. Consolidate your occupational healthcare providers into one, and your business will be more efficient and cost effective.

Getting an occupational healthcare provider that can handle all of your needs is a cost-savings strategy, not an expense. When you ally yourself with a healthcare provider that can give your candidates all of the pre-employment physicals they need, you save time and the internal costs that come with having to deal with multiple providers.

No matter how large or small your company is, consolidating your occupational health needs into one vendor will give you a myriad of solutions for the problems you have and the problems you didn’t know you had.

For one thing, you’ll have the advantage of consistent interaction. When you call your occupational healthcare vendor, you’ll speak to someone who knows your company and knows its needs. You’ll stop playing phone tag, and you’ll get your issues resolved more effectively.

You won’t have to sit there grinding your teeth and trying to be polite on the phone.

Furthermore, consolidating your occupational healthcare providers will give you consistent reporting. You get to look at a report and know right away if there’s something wrong. You won’t have to hunt and search through multiple reports to find the information you need.

The benefits to consolidating your occupational healthcare vendors are legion, but the most important thing is that you’ll place your candidates faster. And in this business, that’s the difference between making money, and losing business.